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Valley of the Firelands Application for Degrees

Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America

To the Officers and Members of Hector Kilbourne Lodge of Perfection, Seneca-Green Springs Council of Princes of Jerusalem, Platt Benedict Chapter of Rose Croix and Sandusky & The Firelands Consistory S.P.R.S. sitting in the Valley of The Firelands, Sandusky, Ohio;

In making this application I promise on my word and honor that should I be elected and become a member of your honorable Body, I subscribe to the following Oath of Fealty:

"I, the signer of this petition, do hereby promise on my word of honor, and swear true faith, allegiance, and fealty to the Supreme Council of Sovereign Inspectors General of the Thirty-third and Last Degree of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America, sitting at its Grand East in the Town of Lexington, Massachusetts, and will support and abide by its Constitution, Orders and Decrees.

"That I will hold allegiance to the said Supreme Council and be loyal thereto, as the supreme authority of the Rite; will hold illegal and spurious every other Body that may be established within its Jurisdiction, claiming to be a Supreme Council to which said Supreme Council has not extended due recognition as such; and every other Body of said Rite within the same Jurisdiction that does hold is powers from said Supreme Council, or from a Supreme Council recognized by it, and will hold no communication whatever in Scottish Rite Masonry with any member of the same nor allow him to visit any Body of the Rite of which I may be a member; and I will dispense justice to my brethren according to the laws of equity and honors.

"And should I violate this, my solemn vow and pledge, I consent to be expelled from Scottish Rite Masonry, and all rights therein and any Body of the Rite, and to be denounced to every Body of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite in the world as a traitor and forsworn.

"And may God aid me to keep and perform the same. Amen."

By completing this form you are agreeing that all the information is true to the best of your knowledge

and belief. You are also giving your consent that any photographs taken of you by the Valley may be used for promotional reasons and Valley or Supreme Council publications. You agree to provide from time to time personal and fraternal background information on your vocation, academic achievements, certifications, accomplishments, interests, and hobbies to help the Valley deliver to you the very best Scottish Rite experience we can.

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Contact an Officer: Email - secretary.valleyofthefirelands@gmail.com     
Phone - (567) 376-9741     Principal Location - North-central Ohio
Mailing Address: The Valley of the Firelands, P.O. Box 98, Tiffin, Ohio 44883
Site managed by: WebmasterVOF@gmail.com

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